18 Months DA Arrear update: The DA of central employees has increased to 31 percent. But, he is waiting for the DA arrears of 18 months. The demand for this has increased.
18 Months DA Arrear update: There is relief news for central employees. Modi government can take a decision soon on 18 months dearness allowance arrear (18 Months DA Arrear). Dearness allowance is currently 31 percent. But, before July, it was 17 percent, which was frozen in the year 2020.
Before July 1, it was increased to 28 percent and then to 31 percent. But, the Dearness allowance arrear from January 2020 to June 2021 has not been received.
Big update may come before Christmas
It is expected that this decision can be taken in the meeting to be held with the Cabinet Secretary. In December, just before Christmas (December 24 (tentative)), there may be a meeting with the cabinet secretary, in which the issue is to be discussed.
However, it was made clear by the Central Government in July that there is no idea to give DA Arrears to the central employees. But, with the constant demand and the letter written by the pensioners to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the final decision can be taken in this matter.
Demand for DA arrears of 18 months
Regarding the 18 months arrears of the employees (18 Months DA Arrear update), it is expected that the government should consider the demand of the council. Under the 7th pay commission, the central government has given 31% dearness allowance to the central employees and many big benefits, but the issue of arrears is hanging.
JCM Secretary (Staff Side) Shiv Gopal Mishra is also continuously demanding about this. There is also a demand for one time settlement of DA arrears pending since 18 months. It is expected that this can be discussed with the Cabinet Secretary in December.
According to the annual report of the Department of Expenditure, there are a total of 48 lakh central employees in the country and about 60 lakh pensioners.
PM Modi can decide on Arrear
Even though this issue has to be raised in the meeting with the cabinet secretary. But, PM Modi can take a decision on arrears. In the 18-month arrears case, the pensioners had written a letter to him seeking his intervention. If the arrears of 18 months get the green signal, then a huge amount will come in the account of one crore more employees and pensioners.
The Indian Pensioners’ Forum (BMS) wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in October. It was said in the letter that the decision to stop DR for pensioners is not right. 18 months money is very important for the livelihood of pensioners. It is not in the interest of pensioners to stop it.
Can get more than 2 lakh arrears
According to Shiv Gopal Mishra of the National Council of JCM, the DA arrears of Level-1 employees range from Rs 11,880 to Rs 37,554. Whereas, for Level-13 (7th CPC basic pay scale Rs 1,23,100 to Rs 2,15,900) or Level-14 (pay scale), the DA arrears in the hands of an employee will be Rs 1,44,200. 2,18,200 will be paid.
How much will be the DA arrears from January 2020 to June 2021?
Central employees whose minimum grade pay is Rs 1800 (Level-1 Basic Pay Scale range 18000 to 56900) is awaiting Rs 4320 [{4 percent of 18000} X 6]. At the same time, [{4 percent of 56900}X6] people are waiting for Rs 13,656.
Under the 7th Pay Commission, the Central employees will get DA arrears of Rs 3,240 [{3 percent of 18,000}x6] from July to December 2020 on the minimum grade pay. At the same time, those with [{3 percent of Rs 56,9003}x6] will get Rs 10,242. At the same time, if we calculate the DA arrears between January and July 2021, then it will be 4,320 [{4 percent of Rs 18,000}x6]. At the same time, [{4 percent of ₹56,900}x6] will cost Rs 13,656.