5 Things to Know Before Buying Akshay Tritiya Online Gold


New Delhi, Business Desk. Buying gold on Akshya Tritiya is considered auspicious. This festival is on 26 April this time. Due to the lockdown, this Akshaya Tritiya is going to remain pale for the jewelery industry. Despite this, some jewelers are offering online offers to their customers. If you want to buy gold on this Akshaya Tritiya then you have to buy it online. Because bullion markets across the country are closed.

You can buy gold online by these methods

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Digital gold

One can invest in digital gold online. This physical gold is stored safely centrally.

Exchange Traded Fund ETF

This is the cheapest way to buy gold. In this, gold can be bought and sold in paper format on exchanges.

Sovereign Gold Bond SGB

Sovereign gold bond is also a way to invest in gold. It issues bond government. It is a good option for long-term investment in gold. It is offered at intervals of a few months. Tax liability on redeeming such bonds is also not made.

Physical gold

Gold can be purchased in physical form as jewelery. However, experts point out that investing in physical form gold is not good.

Gold Biscuits

Gold jewelery can also be purchased in the form of coins or biscuits. But there are also safety concerns.

Some jewelers are offering online offers to their customers. Senco Gold has announced an innovative online offer for its customers. Senco Gold and Diamond has taken out this offer for customers wanting to buy gold on the occasion of Akshaya Tritiya. This offer is from 22 to 27 April. Under this offer, customers can book jewelery online on the basis of the value of gold on that day during the offer period.

PNG Jewelers has also launched two new online facilities to facilitate gold booking on the occasion of Akshaya Tritiya. The first is Vedhani e-vouchers and the second is Pure Price Offer. Under the Vedhani e-vouchers offer, customers can book gold on Akshaya Tritiya and take delivery after the lockdown opens.

The pure price offer takes care of the interests of the customers. Customers can book gold at the time of purchase, but if the gold prices fall after the lockdown, customers will receive gold delivery only at the fallen prices.

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