7th Pay Commission: Indian Railway Employees Federation (IREF) has requested an increase in Productivity-Linked Bonus (PLB) for railway employees ahead of the festive season.
7th Pay Commission: Indian Railway Employees Federation (IREF) has written a letter to the Railways demanding an increase in the Productivity-Linked Bonus (PLB) that employees receive every year before the festive season. Railways pays PLB, which is equivalent to 78 days’ pay, to all non-gazetted employees (Group C and Group D) as an incentive to increase productivity and ensure safety. PLB is calculated on the basis of minimum wage paid to the lowest grade (Group D) employees.
IREF has argued that although the Railways implemented the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission on January 1, 2016, PLB is calculated and paid on the basis of the minimum pay prescribed by the 6th Pay Commission.
In the 6th Pay Commission, the minimum salary for Group D employees was only Rs 7000, whereas in the 7th Pay Commission it has been increased to Rs 18,000.
According to the federation, all Group C and Group D employees get only Rs 17,951, which is calculated on the basis of minimum monthly salary of Rs 7000.
How much salary is demanded?
Their demand is that considering the minimum wage as per the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission, it should be increased to Rs 46,159.
The Federation said that there is a lot of dissatisfaction among the employees regarding this issue and the Railway Board should resolve it as soon as possible.
While announcing PLB in October last year, the Railway Ministry had said that 11.27 lakh non-gazetted railway employees are likely to benefit from the bonus.