7th Pay Commission: Central employees can get great happiness in January, there will be so much increase in DA

Good news for employees, thousands of employees will be regular, revision of allowance rates, approval of cabinet, payment of arrears, provision of amount
Good news for employees, thousands of employees will be regular, revision of allowance rates, approval of cabinet, payment of arrears, provision of amount

November 2022 AICPI Index: Based on the data from July to November, it is clear that how much will the central employees get the next DA hike?

In the first week of the new year itself, 65 lakh central government employees (7th Pay Commission) can get good news. It is feared that there may be an increase in the DA of the employees. If you or your family has a central employee, then this news is useful for you. The figures of the AICPI index for November have been released by the Ministry of Labour. In 2022, only the figures for the month of December are yet to come. But on the basis of the figures from July to November, it is clear that how much further DA hike will the central employees get?

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No change in November compared to October

The figures for November have been released by the Ministry of Labor on 31 December. There is no change in the figures for November as compared to October. In October, this figure had reached the level of 132.5 with an increase of 1.2 points. Now in November also this figure is at 132.5. It is clear from the data released by the Ministry of Labor that from January 1, there will be an increase of 4 percent in the DA of the employees. However, the government will announce this increase in March.

In September this figure was at 131.3 points

In October also, the figure of AICPI index was at 132.5 points. Earlier in September it was 131.3 points. In August this figure was 130.2 points. It has been increasing continuously since July. After October, stagnation was seen in November itself. Due to the continuous increase in AICPI, the way has been cleared for the DA hike (DA) for 65 lakh employees to be held in January on the new year.

How much DA will increase

After the 4 per cent increase in DA in July, the dearness allowance of central employees had increased to 38 per cent. Now after increasing it again by 4 percent, it will increase to 42 percent. After this increase, there will be a significant increase in the salary of the employees. Let us tell you that under the 7th Pay Commission, the DA Hike of central employees is increased twice a year. DA of January 2022 and July 2022 has been declared. Now the DA of January 2023 will be announced.
Who releases the data?

Let us tell you that on the basis of AICPI index, it is decided that how much dearness allowance will be increased? The Labor Ministry releases the All India Consumer Price Index (AICPI) data on the last working day of every month. This index has been prepared for 88 centers and the entire country.

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