7th pay commission: Employees will get the benefit of promotion, amount will increase up to 30,000 in the account, will get benefit

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7th Pay Commission : Good news! It is clear how much DA will increase for central employees in July

There is good news for teachers including state employees. Actually on one side where they will be given the benefit of promotion. Also, they will be given the benefit of seventh pay scale from 2016. This decision will see an increase of 20 to 30 thousand in the salary of thousands of employees. The proposal for this has been sent to the cabinet.

7th Pay Commission: There is good news for the teachers and employees of the state. Actually, after 12 years, staff teachers will get promotion. Along with this, the benefits of the seventh pay scale will be given to the working and retired employees soon. For this, a proposal has been made and sent to the Cabinet for its approval.

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Benefit of promotion statute

Retired teachers including teachers and personnel working in University College are to be given the benefit of seventh pay scale. Apart from this, the way for promotion will be open to the employees after completing 12 years of service. The way of promotion of university and college teachers will be through the implementation of UGC Regulation 2010. For which the proposal of the statute has been sent to the cabinet.

In fact, the time bound promotion scheme was in force in Jharkhand till 22 September 1995. Even after 1995, the teachers appointed in 1981-82 have not been promoted till now due to non-constitution of promotion statute. Although the Career Advancement Scheme was implemented by the state government in July 2008, it was terminated on 31 December 2008. After which teachers could not get the benefit of promotion. Now once again the proposal of Statute has been sent to the cabinet to implement the UGC Regulation 2010 to find a middle way for promotion.

Will get the benefit of the seventh pay scale

Apart from this, the proposal of the seventh pay scale has been sent to the cabinet by the Department of Higher and Technical Education. Thousands of employees will be given the benefit of seventh pay scale from January 1, 2016. For which notification will be issued soon.

Employees will be paid the amount of outstanding arrears from 2016 till now in the seventh pay scale. However, no child of any kind is to be included in this. With this, they will get the benefit of 20 to 25% increase in the salary of the employees. Due to which it is possible to increase their account from 20000 to 30000.

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