7th Pay Commission: After increasing the DA of central employees, one more good news can be found. The news is coming that there may also be an increase in the House Rent Allowance of Dearness Allowance employees.
7th pay commission: Modi government has recently given great news for central government employees. Dearness Allowance (DA) of employees has increased to 34 percent.
Dearness allowance has also started getting in salary. But now news is coming that along with dearness allowance, other allowances can also increase. The most important allowance in these allowances is the House Rent Allowance, which may increase soon.
HRA may increase
According to media reports, the House Rent Allowance (HRA) of the employees may also increase. After this, there will be a bumper increase in the salary of the employees. According to reports, the next revision in HRA will be of 3 percent. The maximum HRA rate can be increased from 27 per cent to 30 per cent.
The category of House Rent Allowance (HRA) is according to the X, Y and Z class cities. Central employees who fall in the X category are getting 27 percent HRA. The Y category will be from 18 percent to 20 percent. The Z class will be increased from 9 per cent to 10 per cent.
HRA revision happens as DA increases
HRA was revised in July last year with DA crossing 25%. In July 2021, the government increased the Dearness Allowance to 28 percent. HRA itself got revised as soon as DA crossed 25 per cent. The current rates of HRA are 27%, 18% and 9%.
However, now the dearness allowance has increased to 34 percent. Now the question is that after the ever increasing DA, when will the next revision of HRA happen?
How is HRA calculated?
According to the 7th Pay Matrix, the maximum basic salary of central employees is Rs 56,900 per month, then his HRA is calculated at 27 percent. If you understand by simple calculation…
HRA = Rs
56900 × 27/100 = Rs 15363 Monthly HRA = Rs 56,900 × 30/100 = Rs 17,070
Total difference in month HRA: Rs 1707
Increase in monthly HRA – Rs 20,484