8th Pay Commission: Meeting on 8th Pay Commission next month, will the salary hike be approved?

8th Pay Commission: Meeting on 8th Pay Commission next month, will the salary hike be approved?
8th Pay Commission: Meeting on 8th Pay Commission next month, will the salary hike be approved?

8th Pay Commission: There has been a demand to constitute the 8th Pay Commission as soon as possible. The 7th Pay Commission was formed in 2014 and its recommendations were implemented in 2016, which increased the salary of central employees by about 23%. Usually a new pay commission is formed every 10 years, but it is not mandatory

8th Pay Commission: The meeting of the Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM), formed to discuss the service conditions of central employees, is going to be held next month, in which the formation of the 8th Pay Commission will be discussed. Shiv Gopal Mishra, head of the All India Railwaymen’s Federation and Secretary of the National Council of JCM, said that the meeting will be held next month and some clarity is expected on the 8th Pay Commission. People of the employee association will raise this issue.

Demand of employee organizations

According to Shiv Gopal Mishra, the employees’ unions have already given two memorandums to the government, demanding the formation of the 8th Pay Commission as soon as possible. The 7th Pay Commission was formed in 2014 and its recommendations were implemented in 2016, which increased the salary of central employees by about 23%. Usually a new pay commission is constituted every 10 years, but it is not mandatory.

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Pay Commission

The main job of the Pay Commission is to review, improve and recommend the salary, allowances and other facilities of central employees and pensioners. The first pay commission was formed in 1946 and till now there have been 7 pay commissions.

Need for 8th Pay Commission

IRTSA also said that the 7th Pay Commission had suggested that the pay matrix should be reviewed from time to time, and not wait for 10 years. Since the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission recommendations in 2016, there has been a lot of change in government functioning, economy, and demand for services. Therefore, the organization said in its letter that the new pay commission should make recommendations according to these changing circumstances.

What does the government say?

There is no clear statement from the government on this issue yet. But the 8th Pay Commission is expected to be discussed in the upcoming meeting of JCM. If consensus is reached, it can be a big relief and good news for government employees.

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