Optical biosensor will catch corona infection, can be used in public places


Geneva. Optical Biosensors:  Scientists in Switzerland have designed an optical biosensor that can quickly and reliably identify novel corona virus infection. Due to this virus infection, epidemic named Kovid-19 has spread from Wuhan city of China to the whole world. Scientists developing the sensor at ETH Zurich in Switzerland say that it may be an alternative method of identifying corona infections. This will not change the tests done in laboratories.

They say that this biosensor can identify the infection present in a person in a particular place through air. For example, it will be easy to use in busy places like railway stations or hospitals etc.

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Sensor made of fine particles of gold: Jing Wang and his scientific team from Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science and Technology say that there is no cure for corona infection in the near future. Therefore, it is extremely important to have such an instrument or method for quick screening of new corona infection. He told that this sensor is made of fine gold particles. It is called Gold Nano Island.

Molecular method is manifold better: Most laboratories use a molecular method to identify this infection, which is called reverse transcription polymers chain reaction. It is also called RT-PCR. Virus infection of the respiratory system is identified by this test. It can also identify the smallest particle of the virus. But it takes a lot of time and there is also scope for mistake. But quick screening can be done through optical biosensor.

The new method is the effort of the efforts of Jing Wang and his team from the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science and Technology. For this they have developed an alternative test method as a biosensor that combines two different effects (optical and thermal) for robust detection of viruses.

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