Recruitment for 918 posts of Assistant Professor, recruitment will be good


Rajasthan Public Service Commission has invited online applications for the recruitment of Assistant Professor. Under this recruitment, 918 Assistant Professor posts will be recruited.

If you want to work as an assistant professor and are preparing for a long time, then there is good news for you. Rajasthan Public Service Commission has invited online applications for the recruitment of Assistant Professor. Under this recruitment, 918 Assistant Professor posts will be recruited. Interested and eligible candidates for this recruitment of RPSC can apply online by clicking on Apply Online link on the website of the Commission Candidates can also apply through recruitment portal of Citizen App (G2C) by logging on to sso portal

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Keep these dates in mind

You can apply online from this date: 09-11-2020
This is the last date: 08-12-2020
Last date for submission of online application fees – 08-12-2020

This is age limit

The application must be between 21 and 40 years old.


educational qualification :

To apply for these assistant professor posts, the candidate should have a master’s degree with 55 percent marks. Also UGC NET / SLET / SET exam should be passed. Apart from this, there should be knowledge of working in Hindi (in Devanagari) and understanding of Rajasthan culture.

There are so many posts

Botany 33
Chemistry 40
Maths 34
Physics 35
Zoology 30
Business Administration 127
Drawing 01
Geology 08
Law 08
Drawing and painting 10
Economics 47
Geography 48
English 55
Hindi 66
Sanskrit 39
Urdu 05
History 50
Sociology 42
Music (Voice) 03
Darshan 02
Political Science 57
Public administration 06

This is application fee

350 for general candidates / economically weaker, backward caste, other backward caste (of other states) candidates. For Rajasthan’s backward class and OBC, Rs 250 and for other reserved classes will have to pay an application fee of Rs 150. Fees will have to be submitted online.

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