Google Pay : Offering personal loan up to Rs 1 lakh, here’s the process

Google Pay : Offering personal loan up to Rs 1 lakh, here's the process
Google Pay : Offering personal loan up to Rs 1 lakh, here's the process

Google Pay has brought a special facility for its customers, through which you can take a personal loan up to one lakh rupees.

Actually, DMI Finance Private Limited has announced the launch of personal loan product on Google Pay, through this Google Pay customer will get loan easily.

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Let us know how to take a personal loan of up to Rs 1 lakh through Google Pay .


First of all know what is Google Pay

Google Pay is a Unified Payment Interface ( UPI ) based mobile app through which we do digital transactions.

This app was launched by Google company in 2017 as Tez Payment App, which was renamed as Google Pay in 2018.

Google Pay makes digital transactions much more easy and secure, through this you can do many things like bill payment, recharge apart from transactions.


One lakh loan to be repaid in 36 months

There are several finance company partners on the Google Pay app, whose lending limits and interest rates may vary.

At the same time, DMI Finance Company is offering a personal loan of Rs 1 lakh to customers for 36 months through Google Pay.

Let us tell you that the applications of the customers will be processed in near real time, after which the money will easily reach their bank account.


These customers of Google Pay will get loan

The facility of personal loan on Google Pay is not for all customers, for this you will have to have a good credit score, credit history. Apart from this, there are some other rules of DMI Finance Company for giving loan.

Pre-qualified eligible customers will be decided on Google Pay, whom DMI Finance will offer loan through Google Pay. It will be very easy for a pre-approved customer to get this loan.

If you are eligible for the loan then you can apply.


How to apply for loan

First of all you have to open Google Pay app on your mobile.

After this, if you will be eligible for the loan, then the option of ‘Money’ will appear under ‘Promotion’.

After clicking on the loan, the option of offers will open.

Now go to DMI Finance, here you will get complete information about the loan.

Complete the application process to get the loan.

After filling the requested information, the loan will be approved and you will get the personal loan.


You can use troll free number for problem.

If you are facing any kind of problem in taking loan, then you can get information on Google Pay India’s troll free number 1-800-419-0157. Here you will talk to the support team of Google Pay, who will listen to your problem.


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