LPG Gas cylinder subsidy: Check this way, know how you will get 200 rupees

LPG Gas cylinder subsidy: Check this way, know how you will get 200 rupees
LPG Gas cylinder subsidy: Check this way, know how you will get 200 rupees

The central government has announced a subsidy of Rs 200 on gas cylinders. At present, the price of a gas cylinder is around Rs 1000, whereas after giving a subsidy of Rs 200 by the government, the price of a gas cylinder is Rs 800. Let us know that how will you be able to check whether the subsidy has come in your bank account or not?

how to check gas cylinder subsidy

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  • First of all you have to visit www.mylpg.in.
  • After this, you suck the gas company whose service you take.
  • Now you have to click on the option with online feedback, after which a customer care system page will open.
  • Now enter your registered mobile number here. After that LPG ID details have to be entered.
  • After this, you will see all the information related to LPG, as well as you will also see when your subsidy amount has been entered.
  • If you are not satisfied with the information displayed on the website, you can register a complaint by calling the toll free number 180023 33555 for free.


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