Good news for employees! Will get benefit of this allowance, salary will increase, order issued

Central Government Employees: Good news! Salary will increase, Finance minister can announce in the budget, check details
Central Government Employees: Good news! Salary will increase, Finance minister can announce in the budget, check details

Orders have been given to add this allowance in the basic pay. In addition, there will be an increase in the salary of the employees.

The 6th pay commission employees of the state government will get the benefit of secretariat allowance. In fact, orders have been given by the High Court to add this allowance in the basic salary. Along with this, there will be an increase in the salary of the employees. The employees were demanding secretariat allowance for a long time. The court has clarified that the decision of the Audit Department Executive Council cannot be taken against.

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At the same time, after the instructions of the High Court, the employees of the State University will get a lot of benefits in secretariat recruitment, orders have been given to link them with pension and basic pay. While hearing the matter, Judge Satyen Vaid accepted the petition of the retired employees and later gave this important decision on it.

In its order, the court has made it clear that when the university has decided to give secretariat recruitment to the employees, then in such a situation it is not justified to not count the allowance for pension. The matter was appealed to the court by the retired employees of the university. Secretariat allowance was demanded not to go along with all the people in his service. Arguing in which the retired employees said that if it was decided in 1971 by the executive council of the university to give secretariat allowance to the teachers.

This was also adopted in the notification of the Govt. On 23 April 2012, the administration also ordered the addition of the child to the salary for the employees but this was denied by the local audit department. Now after the hearing, the court has given instructions to pay the secretariat allowance to the employees.

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