Special FD Scheme: These 5 unique and special FD schemes of government banks will give strong returns, will have bumper benefits, see list here

Fixed Deposit: Interest rate increased on this bank FD scheme, now this will be more beneficial, know details
Fixed Deposit: Interest rate increased on this bank FD scheme, now this will be more beneficial, know details

Punjab and Sind Bank (PSB) is one of the largest public sector banks in India. Recently this bank has started 5 special schemes, which the customer can take advantage of.

If you are also planning to earn profit by investing in Fixed Deposit (Special FD Scheme), then this news can prove to be useful for you. Many government banks offer special FD schemes. Similarly, Punjab and Sind Bank offers special FD schemes. Punjab and Sind Bank (PSB) is one of the largest public sector banks in India. Recently this bank has started 5 special schemes, which the customer can take advantage of. Investors can get strong returns by investing in these FD schemes. Let’s know the details about these special schemes of PSBs.

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300 days special scheme
One of the special FD schemes of PSBs is 300 days plan. This FD matures in 300 days. The returns in this FD are also very good. Common people get an interest rate of 5.25% on FDs. Senior citizens get 5.75% interest rate and 6.10% interest rate for super senior citizens. This FD scheme will continue till March 31, 2023.

Strong returns in the special scheme of 600 days
PSB offers a special scheme of 600 days. This scheme will also continue till 31 March 2023. FD maturity is 601 days. In this FD one has to invest in multiples of Rs 1000. In this scheme of PSB, common people get an interest rate of 7%. Senior citizens get an interest rate of 7.50% and super senior citizens 7.85%.

400 days scheme
PSB offers a special scheme for 400 days. This scheme will continue till 31st December 2022 only. The minimum investment required to be made in this FD is Rs 25,000 and the maximum amount is Rs 1,50,00,000. Under this scheme, the common people get 5.80% interest rate annually.

Investing in 1051 days scheme will be beneficial
PSB gives a special plan of 1051 days. This scheme will continue till 23 June 2023. Under this FD scheme, customers get interest of more than 25 bps. The minimum amount to invest in this scheme is Rs 25,000 and the maximum amount is Rs 1,50,000.

Invest in 501 days scheme
PSB offers a special scheme of 501 days. The returns in this FD on maturity are also good. Will continue till 1st December 2022. This FD scheme offers an interest rate of 6.10% per annum. Also senior citizens get special interest rate. The minimum investment in this scheme is Rs 5,000 and the maximum amount is Rs 1.99 crore.

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