CISF Recruitment 2022: Recruitment for the posts of constable and tradesman, apply soon, will get good salary

CISF Recruitment 2022: Recruitment for the posts of constable and tradesman, apply soon, will get good salary
CISF Recruitment 2022: Recruitment for the posts of constable and tradesman, apply soon, will get good salary

Interested and eligible candidates who want to apply for these posts can apply by visiting the official website

CISF Recruitment 2022: There is good news for the youth who are dreaming of joining the Central Industrial Security Force. In fact, applications have been invited by the Ministry of Home Affairs for recruitment to the posts of Constable and Tradesman. Interested and eligible candidates who want to apply for these posts can apply by visiting the official website The process of application to apply for these posts will start from 21 November.

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Candidates can also apply through the direct link Note that a total of 787 posts will be filled through this recruitment. For this, physical test ie physical standard test and physical efficiency test ie PET will be called.

CISF Recruitment 2022: Important Dates
Starting date of application – 21 November
Last date of application – 20 December

CISF Recruitment 2022: Eligibility Criteria
For recruitment to these posts, any candidate must have passed class 10th from a recognized institute. At the same time, different qualifications have been asked for different posts. In such a situation, the candidates must see the notification before applying.

CISF Recruitment 2022: Age Limit and Fee
The age limit of the applying candidates should be between 18 to 23 years. On the other hand, UR, OBC and EWS candidates will not need to pay Rs 100 and SC/ST candidates will not need to pay any kind of application fee.

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