Good news for employees, DA increased by 13.9%, amount will increase in account in February, Ministry issued order

Employees Arrears Update: Good news for employees, honorarium will be paid including arrears, this much money will come in the account in September
Employees Arrears Update: Good news for employees, honorarium will be paid including arrears, this much money will come in the account in September

The employees have received a big gift before the new year. In fact, along with the basic pay of different levels, the rate of their DA has been revised. The dearness allowance has been increased by 6.9%, 10.5%, 8.3%, and 13.9% for different levels of basic pay. Orders for this were issued by the Finance Ministry.

Employees DA Hike: There is good news for the employees. In fact, dearness allowance has been revised in Central Public Sector Enterprises following the IDA pay scale on the basis of 1987 and 1993. Dearness Allowance has been increased. Whose orders have been issued. According to the order issued by the Finance Department, the employees following the IDA pay scale and below the board and supervisors will get the benefit of the increase in dearness allowance from January 1, 2023.

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Order’s OM It is directed to refer to para no.4 of the No. 2(50)/86-DPE(WC) dated 19.07. 1995 in which the rates of dearness allowance payable to officers holding Board level posts have been mentioned. As per the DA scheme mentioned in Annexure-III of the OM, installments of Dearness Allowance are payable from 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October of every year on the basis of price rise above the quarterly index average of 1099.

O.M. of this department. As per the even number date of 06.10.2022, the rates of Dearness Allowance payable to the officers of Board level posts, below Board level posts and non-unionised supervisors following the 1992 pay scales of IDA pattern of 1992 are revised as under: Can:-

Revised DA benefit from 01.01.2023

The average AICPI (1960 = 100) for the quarter September, 2022 to November, 2022 is 8684. The increase in percentage [(8684- 1099)/ 1099*100] at the link point is 690.2%. The DA rates for various pay categories will be applicable from 01.01.2023.

DA Rates for Different Pay Categories:

Basic Pay per month-DA Rates
Upto Rs.3500- 690.2% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs.15170.
Above Rs.3500 and up to Rs.6500 – 517.7% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs.2415.
Above Rs.6500 and up to Rs.9500 – 414.1% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs.33651.
Above Rs.9500- 345.1% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs.39340.
Payment of Dearness Allowance for fractions of 50 paise and above may be rounded off to the next higher rupee and fractions of less than 50 paise may be ignored.

The amount of IDA payable on old system of neutralization w.e.f. 01.01.2023 for an increase of 153 points may be Rs.2.00 per point shift, Rs.306/- and DA payable at AICPI 8684 will be fixed at Board level following IDA pattern in CPSEs of 1987 pay scale. Officers holding posts, posts below the board level and non-federal supervisors can be Rs 15957.75.

Earlier, the DA of the employees was increased in October.
Even before this, the DA of the employees was increased in October 2022. The average AICPI (1960=100) for the quarter June, 2022 to August, 2022 was 8531. The percentage increase over the link point is [(8531-1099)/ 1099*100] 676.3%. The following were the DA rates for various pay grades with effect from 01.10.2022.

The DA rates for different pay categories were :
Basic Pay Per Month -DA Rates

Upto Rs.3500 – 676.3% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 14864 will be subject to Rs.
Above Rs.3500 and up to Rs.6500-(507.2% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs.23671)
Above Rs.6500 and up to Rs.9500 – 405.8% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs.32968.
Above Rs.9500 – 338.2% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs.38595.

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