Big news for employees! Possible increase in retirement age by 2 years, will be increased from 58 to 60 years, will get benefits, employees know update

Retirement age update: The retirement age of these employees will increase, the government took a big decision
Retirement age update: The retirement age of these employees will increase, the government took a big decision

Once again the employees have become furious over the retirement age of the employees. The demand of the employees is that the retirement age should be increased from 58 years to 60 years. Along with this, four other major demands have also been kept.

Employees Retirement Age: On one side across the country where the demand for retirement age of employees has intensified. The same government employees have become furious in protest against reducing the retirement age. Their demand is that the retirement age should be increased by 2 years at the earliest and it should be increased from 58 years to 60 years.

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Retirement age should be increased by 2 years

In fact, the Government College Teacher’s Association has also come out in protest against reducing the retirement age in Aided Colleges of Punjab. At the same time, he has supported PCCTU. Government teachers demand that the retirement age of government and aided college employees be increased by 2 years.

Exam to be held on January 18 postponed

In this regard, apart from boycotting work on Monday, the University of Punjab has also postponed the examination to be held on January 18. And on January 18, exams for 50 to 60 subjects were to be held. A notification has also been issued in this regard.

There is no need to change the age limit – teachers association
In the matter, Amrit Samra, head of the Government College Teacher’s Association, said that the government should immediately solve the ongoing problem of retirement age and the retirement age should be implemented as before. There is no need to change the age limit. And the government teacher is with PCCTU.

Boycott of copy checking

Along with this, the Government College Teacher’s Association says that copy checking has been boycotted. Copy checking will not be done on 18th and teachers will not be involved in examination duty as well. He has also thanked for postponing the 18th paper. In case of postponement of the exam, now the exam will be conducted on February 11.

teacher demand
Explain that the retirement age of teachers in government and aided colleges is being reduced from 60 years to 58 years by the Punjab government. After which continuous protests are being seen by the teachers. At the same time, the College Teacher’s Association has also joined this protest. At the same time, he has kept four main demands.

  • Out of which, in the year 2022-23, a demand has been made to join the Central Portal from Aided and Unaided Colleges.
  • Along with this, a demand is being made to withdraw the decision of admission.
  • There has been a demand to withdraw the decision to reduce the retirement age from 60 to 58 by amending the service rules.
  • At the same time, there has also been a demand to retain 95 percent of the grant received by the college. Let it be said that it was reduced to 75%.
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