Good news for employees, approval for increase in allowance including salary hike, bonus will get 1 month salary, benefit of insurance, amount will increase in account

Employees Salary Payment : Good news for these employees, salary will be paid by 10th of the month, orders of High Court, salary will come in account today
Employees Salary Payment : Good news for these employees, salary will be paid by 10th of the month, orders of High Court, salary will come in account today

The employees have got the benefit of increment. Along with this, their daily allowance has also been increased. Not only this, they will be provided one month’s salary as bonus while it has been decided to increase their insurance coverage up to Rs 5 lakh.

Employees Salary Hike: There is relief news for the employees. Once again his salary has been increased. In this regard, there was continuous demand for salary hike by the employees. At the same time, his salary has been increased by Rs 2000. Earlier the meeting was attended by the employees and representatives. After which it has been agreed to increase the salary.

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Decision to increase minimum wage and daily allowance

In fact, the employees in Kerala were continuously demanding salary hike. There was a constant standoff between the houseboat staff and the owners. Ending this deadlock, on February 10, MLA Chittaranjan has decided to increase the minimum wage and daily allowance of the workers.

1 month salary available as bonus

According to the decision taken in the meeting, the minimum wage was increased from the present Rs.12,000 to Rs.14,000. Along with this, the daily allowance has been increased from the present Rs.290 to Rs.350. The meeting was attended by representatives of the employees and owners. In which it was decided to increase the salary of temporary employees to Rs 950, while one month’s salary will be provided as bonus to temporary employees.

Insurance coverage up to Rs.5 lakh

Along with this, according to the decision taken in the meeting, he will also be given insurance coverage up to Rs 500000. The token strike was called off on Saturday after the Kerala House Boat and Resort Workers’ Union won a wage hike in connection with CITU. Earlier, the employees were continuously demanding an increase in the salary hike by going on symbolic strike.

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