PNB Released New FD Interest Rates: PNB has increased the rates of fixed deposits, know new rates details here

PNB New Update: PNB customers complete this work before this date otherwise your account........
PNB New Update: PNB customers complete this work before this date otherwise your account........

According to the information given on PNB’s website, FD rates were increased earlier on February 1. Exactly after 19 days it has been decided to increase the interest rates once again.

The country’s largest public sector bank Punjab National Bank has given a big gift to its customers. The bank has decided to increase the interest rates on FD here. These increased rates have come into effect from today itself. These interest rates have been increased by about 30 basis points.

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Earlier, SBI had also increased the interest on FD. According to the information given on PNB’s website, FD rates were increased earlier on February 1. Exactly after 19 days it has been decided to increase the interest rates once again.

These are the new interest rates of PNB

  • FD rates for 7 to 14 days remain unchanged at 3.5%. The rates for senior citizens also remain constant at 4%. At the same time, the interest rates for super senior (above 80 years of age) customers remain constant at 4.30%.
  • FD rates for 15 days to 29 days remain unchanged at 3.5%. The rates for senior citizens also remain constant at 4%. At the same time, the interest rates for super senior (above 80 years of age) customers remain constant at 4.30%.
  • FD rates for 30 days to 45 days remain unchanged at 3.5%. The rates for senior citizens also remain constant at 4%. At the same time, the interest rates for super senior (above 80 years of age) customers remain constant at 4.30%.
  • FD rates for 46 days to 60 days remain unchanged at 4.5%. The rates for senior citizens also remain constant at 5%. At the same time, the interest rates for super senior (above 80 years of age) customers are fixed at 5.30%.
  • FD rates for 91 days to 179 days are stable at 4.5% without any change. The rates for senior citizens also remain constant at 5%. Whereas, the interest rates for super senior (above 80 years of age) customers are fixed at 5.30%.
  • FD rates for 180 days to 270 days remain unchanged at 5.5%. The rates for senior citizens also remain constant at 6%. On the other hand, the interest rates for super senior (above 80 years of age) customers remain constant at 6.30%.
  • Interest rates have increased on FDs for more than 271 days but less than one year. For common citizens, it has increased from 5.50% to 5.80%. The rates for senior citizens have also increased from 6% to 6.30%. At the same time, the interest rates for super senior (above 80 years of age) customers have increased from 6.30% to 6.60%.
  • Interest rates on FDs have increased for one year. For common citizens, it has increased from 6.75% to 6.80%. The rates for senior citizens have also increased from 7.25% to 7.30%. At the same time, the interest rates for super senior (above 80 years) customers have increased from 7.55% to 7.60%.
  • For one year to 665 days, the interest rates on FDs have gone up. For common citizens, it has increased from 6.75% to 6.80%. The rates for senior citizens have also increased from 7.25% to 7.30%. At the same time, the interest rates for super senior (above 80 years) customers have increased from 7.55% to 7.60%.
  • The interest rates on FDs for tenures ranging from 667 days to two years are fixed. Rates for general citizens remain unchanged at 7.25%. The rates for senior citizens also remain constant at 7.75%. At the same time, the interest rates for super senior (above 80 years of age) customers are fixed at 8.05%.
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