Bank locker rules: Now only these things can be kept in the locker of the bank, RBI has made new rules

Bank Locker Compensation: How much compensation will be given if goods kept in bank locker are stolen, definitely know this.
Bank Locker Compensation: How much compensation will be given if goods kept in bank locker are stolen, definitely know this.

Bank locker rules: If you also use the locker of the bank, then now you will be able to keep only selected items in it. The Reserve Bank of India has changed the rules related to this and has also asked the banks to enter into new contracts. Read this news…

Many of us use bank lockers for the safety of jewelery to important documents. If you also hold a locker in a bank or are planning to do so soon, then you should know the new rules related to it. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has also given instructions to the banks for this.

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RBI says that banks will now have to renew the contract for renting lockers with their customers. According to the new rules, this contract will be prepared, in which it will be clearly mentioned that what kind of goods the customers can keep in their locker and what kind cannot.

Only these things can be kept in the locker

According to the new rules of RBI, now customers will be able to keep only legally valid items like jewelery and important documents in the bank locker. In the contract with the bank, the customer will be told in detail what kind of goods are allowed to be kept and what are not.

Not only this, the lockers of the bank will now be given only to the customers for their personal use. These will be non-transferrable. Indian Banks Association will make a model agreement. On the basis of this, banks will prepare the contracts to be done with their customers.

Bank will bear the cost of stamp paper

The bank will bear the cost of stamp paper for renewal of the contract of the existing locker customers of the bank. While other customers will have to pay the cost of stamp paper of the contract on taking the bank locker.

There will be a ban on keeping these goods

Many people keep such things in their bank locker which are not legally valid. Sometimes it is also harmful. Now RBI has also made it clear that what items the customers cannot keep in their lockers.

It has been said by the central bank that now customers will not be able to keep cash or foreign currency in their lockers. Along with this, there will be a ban on keeping weapons, drugs or medicines, contraband or any dangerous or poisonous goods.

Bank will get relief from these responsibilities

With this, the agreement that will be signed between the bank and the customer. In that, the bank will get relief from many responsibilities. For example, the bank will not be responsible for any misuse or illegal use of the password or key of the bank locker. It will be the responsibility of the customer only.

At the same time, the customer will have the right to keep his belongings in the locker. The bank will have to protect the same and if the bank fails to do so, it will have to pay compensation to the customer under the rules related to it from time to time.

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