CBSE Result 2023: Big news for 10th students, announcement of compartment exam results, download like this, know important updates

CBSE Results 2024: Know when CBSE 10th-12th results will be released? How to check, read this news
CBSE Results 2024: Know when CBSE 10th-12th results will be released? How to check, read this news

There is big news for the students of class 10th. Their compartment exam result has been announced. Candidates can download it by visiting the official website. Earlier the result of 12th compartment exam was announced.

CBSE 2023, CBSE Exam Result 2023, CBSE Result 2023 : Important information for CBSE students. In fact, after releasing the result of 12th compartment exam, CBSE has now announced the result of 10th compartment exam. Candidates can check by visiting the official website.

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The result of 10th compartment examination has been announced by the Central Board of Secondary Education on 4th August. Candidates will be able to check their result by visiting with their roll number, school number along with their date of birth and admit card number.

10th exam held from 17th July to 22nd July

The CBSE Class 10 exam was conducted from July 17 to July 22. The result of compartment exam is expected to be better than class 12th.

CBSE 12th compartment exam result announced

Two days before this, the result of 12th compartment exam was announced by CBSE. A total of 123416 students had registered themselves in the 12th compartment exam while 80442 boys and 42750 girls appeared in the exam. A total of 120742 students have been successful in the examination.

  • Students first of all visit official website to check CBSE Board Compartment Result release
  • Go to the home page and click on the result link
  • Enter Roll Number School Code and Date of Birth
  • After that your result will be in front of you
  • Keep it handy for future reference.

It is mandatory to have 33% marks in the concerned subject

To pass the CBSE 10th compartment exam, it is mandatory for the students to have 33% marks in the concerned subject. If the marks are less than the minimum mark, then the students will be considered unsuccessful.

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