Online Train Ticket Booking: Traveling by train is quite easy. At the same time, long distance travel also becomes much easier. During the festival season, if people wish, they can also book unreserved train tickets online. Let us know how…
UTS App: During the festival season in the country, everyone also heads towards their homes. People want to enjoy the festival with their families. In such a situation, people also prefer to travel by train. Many times people are not able to get confirmed tickets during the festival season. In such a situation, people travel even with normal tickets. If people want, now they can book unreserved train tickets online also. Let us know how…
online ticket
However, there is a lot of crowd at the railway station during festival times and long lines are also seen at the ticket counter. In such a situation, people do not have to face any problem, hence people can book normal tickets online during this festival season.
General ticket booking
For online booking of general tickets, people will have to use UTS App. Through this app, people can buy platform tickets and also general tickets online. Let us know how to book general tickets online through UTS App.
How to do normal ticket booking through UTS App
Download UTS App and register yourself
Now login to your account.
There will be options like Normal Booking, Quick Booking, Platform Booking, Season Booking, QR Booking.
To book normal ticket, click on Normal Booking, Quick Booking.
For normal booking, the user will first have to choose between paperless ticket or print ticket.
After this, you will vhave to choose from which station you want to travel and which station you want to reach.
Number of passengers has to be selected.
After this payment will have to be made and your ticket will be booked and will start appearing in the app.