SBI PO Prelims Exam 2023: Now only a little time is left for the conduct of PO Pre Exam of State Bank of India. How to utilize this remaining time so that best preparation can be done? Let us know.
SBI PO Prelims Exam 2023 Last Minute Preparation Tips: There is only a little time left for the conduct of Probationary Officer Pre Exam of State Bank of India. The bank has also released the admit card for this exam. Those candidates who have filled the form for the examination, their preparation will be in the final stage at this time.
Broadly speaking, there is only one week left for the exam. Use this remaining time in such a way that there is no stress and the preparation for the exam is also done well. Before knowing these tips, let us understand the exam pattern.
Exam pattern will be like this
SBI PO Pre Exam will be conducted on 1st, 4th and 6th November 2023. This exam is being conducted for 2000 PO posts. First there will be pre exam, then mains and then interview. Only the one who passes one stage will go to the next stage.
Pre Exam – This will be an objective type paper which will have three sections. English Language, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Ability. The first section will be of 30 marks and the remaining sections will be of 35 marks each. A total of 1 hour will be given to solve these, 20 minutes per section.
Main Exam – Only the candidates who pass prelims will appear in the main exam. This will be an online test which will have both objective and descriptive sections. Objective will be of 200 marks and descriptive will be of 50 marks.
Third Stage – In the third and last stage there will be psychometric test, group exercise and interview.
Follow these tips
- This is the time for revision only. At this time, solve as many old question papers as possible and practice vigorously.
- Solve these exactly in the exam environment and keep correcting the mistakes wherever they occur.
- This is the right time to strengthen your grip on time management. Give the paper in an exam-like environment by setting a timer and try to complete it within time.
- One or two days before the exam, completely stop activities like staying up late at night or eating outside. Take proper sleep and join the exam without stress.
- Start preparing a day before you go to give the paper. Get your clothes, carry-on luggage, admit card etc. all ready. Find out what time you will leave, which route you will take, how you will go and only then leave the house.
- Do not compare your preparation with anyone or discuss it much. Not much can be done in this remaining time, so do not take stress and go to give the paper feeling confident.
- There is negative marking so do not guess blind. If you get stuck on a question, don’t waste too much time. Complete whatever comes first. All questions have equal weightage, so do not stop for too long and leave the one which does not come and move ahead.