Aadhar Card : Now Download Aadhar Card Without Registered Mobile Number, Here is The Easy Process

Aadhaar Card: Important update for Aadhaar holders! Now the existing mobile number should be updated, otherwise you will not get the benefit of Aadhaar
Aadhaar Card: Important update for Aadhaar holders! Now the existing mobile number should be updated, otherwise you will not get the benefit of Aadhaar

Aadhar Card Latest News: There is a good and relief news for Aadhar card holders. Sometimes Aadhaar is required but due to non-registered mobile number, Aadhaar card cannot be downloaded.

Aadhar Card Latest News:  There is a good and relief news for Aadhar card holders. Sometimes Aadhaar is required but due to non-registered mobile number, Aadhaar card cannot be downloaded. But now you can download your Aadhar card even without registered mobile number.

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Download aadhar without mobile number 

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), which issues Aadhaar, has announced this. This step has been taken to help those people whose mobile number is not registered. Actually, earlier users needed registered mobile number linked to Aadhaar to download Aadhaar card. Let us know how you can download Aadhar card without mobile number.

download aadhar without mobile number 

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), which issues Aadhaar, has announced this. This step has been taken to help those people whose mobile number is not registered. Actually, earlier users needed registered mobile number linked to Aadhaar to download Aadhaar card. Let us know how you can download Aadhar card without mobile number.

Know the easy process to download Aadhaar 

1. For this, you first go to the official website of UIDAI and tap on ‘My Aadhaar’.

2. Now click on ‘Order Aadhaar PVC Card’.

3. Now you will be asked to enter the 12 digit Aadhaar number here.

4. Here you can also enter 16 digit Virtual Identification Number (VID) instead of Aadhaar number.

5. After this process, enter the security or captcha code given to you.

6. If you want to download the card without registered mobile number, then click on the option ‘My mobile number is not registered’.

7. Now enter your alternate number or unregistered mobile number.

8. Now click on ‘Send OTP’

9. Now One Time Password (OTP) will be sent to the alternate number entered by you.

10. Next, you click on the ‘Terms and Conditions’ checkbox and then finally click on ‘Submit’.

11. Now you will be redirected to a new page.

12. For the verification of reprinting, you will get the option of Preview Aadhaar letter here.

13. After this you select the option of ‘Make Payment’.


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