Apple and Google released COVID 19 contact tracing update


New Delhi, Tech Desk.  Recently, it was reported that to cope with the crisis of COVID-19, two big companies Apple and Google have decided to make technical tools together. These companies will work on contact tracing technology with the help of Bluetooth and with its help the government and health agencies will get a lot of support in preventing the spread of corona virus. At the same time, Apple and Google have announced some technical details of the joint project. In this exposure notification, information about Bluetooth technology has been provided in mobile devices. 

Approximately two weeks after the initial announcement of their project, Apple and Google reported on its technological development, stating that the company is building a chain that promotes user trust, privacy and data security principles in this epidemic. Will help to curb. The two companies are working together on the other phase’s exposure notification solution, which uses Bluetooth technology on mobile devices to help with contax tracing. 

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Apple and Google have announced an update to the API to secure users’ privacy. Companies say that we are also taking many important steps to strengthen the privacy of the system. New updates have been released to strengthen the API. Explain that the API framework was first released on 10 April

In addition, Apple and Google are encrypting metadata associated with Bluetooth. This step has been taken by companies to strengthen privacy. Because it makes it more difficult to try and identify a person. Keeping this in mind, personal data is now encrypted. 

Along with the announcement of the update, it has also been informed that when the app asks for exposure time is recorded in an interval of 5 minutes and we record the maximum exposure time at 30 minutes. At the same time Apple and Google announced a series of technical announcements that support the project goals of helping to prevent the epidemic. However, both companies emphasized that they promote user trust, privacy and data protection principles.

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