Assam PSC Assistant & Junior Engineer Posts: Vacancy comes out on the post of Assistant Engineer, candidates check immediately


Assam PSC Assistant & Junior Engineer Posts: Assam Public Service Commission (Assam Public Service Commission, APSC) has released appointments to various posts. Under this, recruitment will be done on the posts of Assistant Engineer and Junior Engineer. Under this, a total of 567 posts will be appointed. Interested and eligible candidates can apply online by visiting The application process has started from 6 May and will run till 16 June. So whoever wants to apply can apply till this date. To apply for these posts, candidates must be over 21 years of age and under 38 years.

After applying the candidates will have to send the application form to the candidates. In this, the post will have to be sent to the Deputy Secretary, APSC, Jawahar Nagar, Khanapara, Guwahati-781022. On the other hand, candidates should note that before applying for these posts, read the application form thoroughly. If any defect is found in the form, then the application form will also be rejected. So keep that in mind.

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Candidates should note that apart from this, recruitment has also been taken in many other posts. Under this, the Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission (Trlm) has vacancies in various positions. Under this, MIS Assistant, Accountant, Account Assistant, State Mission Manager, Program Manager and many other positions have been recruited. Interested candidates for these posts can apply by visiting Candidates should keep in mind that the last date to apply for this post is 31 May 2020. The maximum age of candidates to apply for these posts is 40 years.


Vacancy detail

Assistant Engineer Civil – 156 +104 Posts

Junior Engineer Civil – 307 Posts

Education qualification:

To apply for this post, candidates should have a Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering from Indian and foreign universities, and have passed Part A and B of Associate Membership Exam of Institution of Engineers (India).


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