Bank Locker Charges:Big News! From SBI to ICICI, how much do banks charge for bank lockers

RBI on bank Locker: Before keeping goods in bank locker, know the new rule of RBI, you will save lakhs of rupees.
RBI on bank Locker: Before keeping goods in bank locker, know the new rule of RBI, you will save lakhs of rupees.

Bank Locker  : If you are planning to take bank locker then this news is of your use. Many people think that taking the locker of the bank is the work of very big money. But it is not so, in fact the charge of the locker depends on the size of the locker.

Most of the people keep jewellery, valuables and necessary documents etc. in the bank locker for the sake of security. For this service, a fee is charged from the banks according to the size of the locker. Some banks also offer lockers to customers based on the amount deposited in the account. Let us know about the lockers of different banks and their charges according to the area.

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Depending on the size and city, SBI lockers are available from Rs 500 to Rs 3,000. For small, mid size and large lockers in size, a fee of 2 thousand, 4 thousand, 8 thousand and 12 thousand is charged in metro and urban areas respectively. Bank charges Rs 1500, Rs 3000, Rs 6000 and Rs 9000 for small, medium size, large and extra large lockers in semi-urban and rural areas respectively.

ICICI Bank charges locker rent for a year in advance. To open a locker in ICICI, you must have a bank account. For a small size locker in the bank, you have to pay Rs 1,200 to 5,000. At the same time, there is a charge of 10 thousand to 22 thousand rupees for the big size. GST is separate on this charge.

If you take a locker in PNB, then you can visit it 12 times for free in a year. For additional visits you have to pay Rs 100. The annual rent of the locker in rural areas ranges from Rs 1250 to Rs 10,000. For urban and metro cities, this charge ranges from Rs 2 thousand to Rs 10 thousand.

You can do three free visits in a month in Axis Bank. The locker charges start from Rs 2,700 in a metro or urban area branch. For a mid size locker, this fee is Rs 6,000, while the larger size is available for Rs 10,800 to Rs 12,960.


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