Big gift to these employees, will get Benefit of bonus-dearness allowance, payment of arrears, order issued

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All permanent employees of the state, regular and full-time employees of aided educational and technical institutions and post holders working under the pay scale of UGC will get the benefit of 38% monthly DA rate from July 1, 2022.

There is good news for the employees of Uttar Pradesh. After increasing the dearness allowance of government employees-pensioners by 4 percent, now the Yogi government of UP has given the gift of Diwali bonus to the daily wage workers. The UP government has decided to give a bonus of Rs 1184 to the employees. Its benefit will be given to those employees who have completed 3 years of working till 31 March 2022 and have worked for a minimum of 240 days per annum.

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According to the UP mandate, a bonus of Rs 6908 will be given to state employees, aided educational and technical educational institutions, local bodies and daily wage workers. 75% of the bonus will be deposited in their provident fund account for all categories of employees. The remaining 25% will be paid in cash. If an employee is not a member of the Provident Fund account, then this amount will be given to him in the form of NSC or will be deposited in his PPF account.

Those employees who would have been punished in departmental disciplinary action or criminal prosecution in the year 2021-22, they will not get bonus. Same for all permanent employees of the state, regular and full time employees of aided educational and technical institutions and working under the pay scale of UGC The post holders will get the benefit of 38 per cent monthly DA rate from July 1, 2022. The arrears from July 1 to September 30 will be paid in the GPF of the officers and employees. The UP government on Tuesday issued an order related to increase in DA and bonus by 4 percent.

The increased DA to the employees will be paid in cash from October along with the salary. 10% of the arrears of the increased dearness allowance of the employees coming under the purview of the National Pension Scheme will be deposited in the Tier One Pension Account. The state government will deposit the contribution equal to 14 percent of this amount in the Tier One account. The remaining 90 percent amount will be given to the employees in the form of NSC.

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