There is great news for the employees. In fact, his honorarium was increased. Along with this, they have been given the facility of leave. Orders of Education Secretary Ravinath Raman have been issued. At the same time, after the order of the Secretary, instructions have been issued to implement this rule on all the employees.
Employees Salary Hike: There is big news for the employees of the state. In fact, their honorarium has been increased. Along with this, their leave has also been increased. He has been given the facility of leave every year. The benefits of which will be given to the employees. Its instructions have been given by the state government.
Salary increase
The honorarium of contractual and guest teachers has been increased in Rajiv Navodaya schools of Uttarakhand. His honorarium has been increased by the government. Now, instead of 24000, they will be provided Rs 30000 as honorarium every year.
Along with this, instead of 22000, TGT teachers will be provided Rs 27000 as honorarium. Last year, guest teachers were increased from 15000 to 25000 rupees by the government.
Facility of 12 casual leave-CL every year
Along with this, contractual and guest teachers in Rajiv Navodaya School have been given the facility of 12 casual leave-CL every year. An order has been issued in this matter by Education Secretary Ravinath Raman.
The demand for increase in honorarium by Navodaya school teachers was being made for a long time. He said that respected guest teachers have to give duty only for 8 hours, while teachers in Navodaya school have to be present for 24 hours. Their term of service is also not fixed. Due to the different service period from guest teachers, their honorarium should also be higher.
Instructions to principals
After this, once again the honorarium of Navodaya school teachers including guest teachers has been increased. Along with this, leisure facility has also been made available for them. The order has been issued by Education Secretary Ravinath Raman. Under the orders of the Secretary, the Director of Secondary Education, Seema Jaunsari, has given instructions to the principals of all Rajiv Navodaya Schools in this regard.