Big news for employees! Will get the benefit of incentive amount, 30,000 rupees will come in the account, order issued

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2000 Note Exchange Last Date: Do you still have Rs 2,000 note? Change it otherwise it will become junk after 4 days?

There is big news for the employees (7th pay commission employees) under the seventh pay scale. The amount is provided as incentives to the employees who have attained higher educational qualification. In this regard, orders have now been issued by the Railway Department.

According to the order of the Railway Board, the employees having higher educational qualification will be given the benefit of incentive amount up to Rs.30,000 and minimum Rs.10,000. Orders have been issued in this regard, which is very important for the employees to know. Under this, benefits will be made available to the employees.

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DOPT’s O.M. No. 1/5/2017-Estt (Pay-I) dated 15.03.2019 A list of vocational courses related to Railways in respect of Para 6 of DoPT O.M. regarding revised incentives for acquiring higher qualifications dated 15.03. .2019 is attached as annexure.

The rate of incentive admissible to Railway employees for pursuing courses listed as Annex will be determined on the basis of the type of course (Diploma/Degree/Post Graduation) and length of the course and as mentioned in Para 5 of DoPT’s OM Is. On 15.03.2019 circulated with reference to Board’s letter of even number dated 27.11.2019.

The grant of incentives for courses listed as Annex will be subject to fulfillment of the norms/guidelines laid down in para 8 of the OM of DoPT. On 15.03.2019 circulated with reference to Board’s letter of even number dated 27.11.2019.

In fact, as per the directed order copy of the DoPT’s Office Memorandum 1/5/2017-Estt (Pay-I) dated 15.03.2019, the Central Government employees who have attained new higher qualifications after joining the service, have been issued the Office Memorandum No. of this Department. Incentive is given in the form of lump sum amount ranging from Rs.2,000/- to Rs.10,000/- as given in 1/2/89-Estt.(Pay-I) dated 09.04.1999 and other relevant O.M.

The Seventh Central Pay Commission has reviewed the incentive rates currently available to employees on this account in addition to pay, and has suggested their rationalization and simplification in paras 8.9.11 to 8.9.14 of their report.

Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure (DOE) vide Resolution No. 1-2/2016-IC dated 25.07.2016 para 7 Provided that the matter relating to allowances (except Dearness Allowance) based on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission shall be of the Finance Secretary was referred to a committee under the chairmanship, and till a final decision on it, all allowances including this incentive were required to be paid in the existing pay structure (pay structure based on 6th CPC) at the existing rates as on 1st January 2016 has not been modified since.

Qualification – Amount (Rs.)

PHD. or equal to – 30,000
PG Degree / Diploma of more than one year duration, or equivalent – ​​25,000
PG degree/diploma of one year or less duration, or equivalent – ​​20,000
Degree/Diploma of more than three years duration, or equivalent – 15,000
Degree/Diploma of three years or less duration, or equivalent – 10,000

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