There is great news for the employees. After the increase in their Dearness Allowance and TA, now the rule has been amended for them. Under this amendment, they will have to adopt the working style. For this circular has been issued by DoPT.
7th pay commission, Employees new rule: There is big news for government employees. On one hand, his DA was increased. On the other hand, the rules were amended for them. They will have to follow the working style under the amended rules. A circular has also been issued for this.
Permission to invest in shares
Government servants in the All India Service are not permitted to make repeated speculations in the purchase and sale of shares, securities and other investments. However, they were allowed to invest in shares through stock brokers or other persons authorized under the relevant law.
DOPT circular issued
Recently circular has been issued by DoPT. In which rules have been set for the employees. AIS members have to inform the authority about the details of their investments in stocks and shares. Also, it will be necessary to inform the authorities if it exceeds the basic salary of 6 months during a calendar year. For this, instructions have been given to submit by January 31.
These will be the rules
This clearly means AIS members can invest less than 6 months basic salary without informing the authority. This rule has been implemented on the recommendation of the Seventh Pay Commission. Not only this, it will be mandatory for the AIS staff member to inform the authority in the election as well.
In which an individual transaction exceeds the basic pay in 2 months. As per Explanation 1 to Rule 16 of the AIS Conduct Rules, 1968, share securities, debentures etc. are deemed to be movable assets. In such a situation, if the transaction of a person is more than the basic salary of 2 months of the member, then it will be mandatory to inform the service prescribed authority prescribed in rule 16 (4) of the rule.