BSEB 10th Sent Up Exams: Bihar Board has released the dates of class 10th sent up exam. The examination will be conducted from 22nd November. See the complete schedule here.
Bihar Board BSEB Class 10 Sent Up Exam Dates Out: Bihar School Education Board has announced the dates of sent up exam of BSEB class 10th exam. Those candidates who are appearing in the 10th board examination of the year 2024 can check the complete schedule by visiting the official website. Also know that only those students who pass the sentup exam will be issued admit card for board exam 2024. That means, to appear in the final exam, it is necessary to clear the setup exam.
These are the important dates
According to the information given in the schedule, Bihar Board 10th St.UP exam will be held from this month itself. Practical exams will be conducted from 22 November 2023. Whereas theory exams will be held from 23rd and 27th November.
Check from this website
Candidates participating in the examination can download the datesheet of Sentup exam by visiting the website of Bihar Board. To do this, the address of the official website of Bihar School Education Board is – biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in .
Note important information
Also understand that only those candidates whose attendance will be at least 75 percent will be able to appear in the Bihar Board 10th Std.up examination. With this, only those students who clear the sentup exam will get a chance to appear in the board exam. Admit card for class 10th annual examination will be issued only to those candidates who will pass the exam.
Here is the exam schedule
22 November 2023 – Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, Marathi, Maithili (1st shift)
Sanskrit, Hindi, Arabic, Persian, Bhojpuri (2nd shift.
24 November 2023 – Science, Music (1st shift)
Social Science (2nd shift).
25 November 2023 – Maths, Home Science (Only for Visually Impaired Candidates) (1st Shift)
English (General) (2nd Shift).
27 November 2023 – Higher Mathematics, Commerce, Economics, Persian, Sanskrit, Arabic, Maithili, Fine Arts, Home Science, Dance, Music (1st shift)
Security, Beautician, Tourism, Retail Management, Automobile, Electronics & H/W, Beauty & Wellness, Telecom and 135 ITI/ITs (2nd Shift).