Bitcoin Price : Bitcoin created history, price reached 70 thousand dollars, a decision of America gave wings

Bitcoin Price : Bitcoin created history, price reached 70 thousand dollars, a decision of America gave wings
Bitcoin Price : Bitcoin created history, price reached 70 thousand dollars, a decision of America gave wings

Cryptocurrency Price Today- At the end of January, the US Securities and Exchange Commission approved 11 spot Bitcoin ETFs. Since then, there has been a stormy rise in Bitcoin.

Crypto Price: The world’s leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin has set a new record. The rate of one bitcoin became 70 thousand dollars. However, once it reached the record high, this cryptocoin was trading at $68,451.47 (Bitcoin Price) today i.e. on Saturday, March 9 at 10:30 am.

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In the last 24 hours, the price of cryptocurrency has increased by about two percent. At the same time, the price of Bitcoin has increased by 10 percent in a week. The global crypto market has also increased by 1.90 percent in the last 24 hours and has reached $2.6 trillion.

Due to the positive environment created by the launch of the American Spot Exchange Traded Fund (Crypto ETF), investors have invested heavily in cryptocurrencies. All digital currencies including Bitcoin have benefited from this. Billions of dollars have flowed into exchange traded funds in the last few weeks.

Apart from this, due to the upgrade of Ethereum blockchain platform of Bitcoin’s rival Ether and breaking of Bitcoin into pieces in April last year, the interest of investors in it has increased rapidly.

11 spot Bitcoin ETF was approved.

At the end of January, the US Securities and Exchange Commission had approved 11 spot Bitcoin ETF. Due to many corporate scandals and bankruptcy, there was a lull in the crypto market for 18 months. Many institutional investors had also stayed away from crypto due to huge fluctuations. Now with the arrival of ETF, cryptocurrency has got new energy. Crypto market experts predict that this rise in Bitcoin will continue.

 Ethereum went up by 60 percent.

The rise of Bitcoin has clearly affected other digital currencies as well. Ether, the second largest token after Bitcoin, has also gone up by about 60 percent this year. In the last 24 hours, the price of Ethereum has increased by 0.75 percent to $3,933.83. This cryptocoin has risen 14 percent in the last seven days.

Tether has gone up slightly to $1 in the last 24 hours. There has been a two percent jump in Solana and it is currently trading at $3,933.83 (Solana Price). Dogecoin has jumped by about four percent and is trading at $0.1707 (Dogecoin Price Today).

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