CBSE: Attention 10th and 12th candidates! Do not do this mistake while downloading the admit card

    CBSE: Attention 10th and 12th candidates! Do not do this mistake while downloading the admit card
    CBSE: Attention 10th and 12th candidates! Do not do this mistake while downloading the admit card

    CBSE has warned the students against the fake website. The board has told that while downloading the admit card for the 10th and 12th examinations, what things have to be kept in mind.

    New Delhi: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on Thursday warned students and parents about the fake website of the board and urged them not to make any payment on the portal for downloading admit cards for class 10 and 12 examinations.

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    CBSE issued advice for students
    CBSE issued an advisory and gave this information. CBSE said in the advisory, ‘It has come to the notice of the Board that some anti-social elements have created a website imitating the official website of CBSE, and are trying to collect and download Admit Cards for CBSE Class 10th and 12th, 2023 Examinations. They are openly cheating students, schools and parents by sending messages to collect money to do so.

    Fake websites can also make you a victim
    It asked the general public and all stakeholders to ‘be extremely careful and not respond to any such fake messages’. The board said that the board does not charge any fee directly from any student or parent for downloading the admit card.

    These days the number of cybercrime is increasing rapidly, in such a situation, a small mistake can trap you in a big trap. If the students of the board also fall under the trap of fake websites, then it can cause many types of losses. In such a situation, keep in mind the advice of the Central Board of Secondary Education and do not make any such mistake which will have to bear the brunt of it.

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