CBSE Board Exam 2023: Important update for 10th-12th students, admit card issued, check here

CBSE Exam 2023: Important news for class 10th and 12th students, supplementary exam applications start from today, notification issued
CBSE Exam 2023: Important news for class 10th and 12th students, supplementary exam applications start from today, notification issued

Admit cards of regular students ie regular students will be downloaded by their school and given to the students, while private candidates will have to download their admit cards themselves.

CBSE Exam 2023: There is an important news for the students of the Central Board of Secondary Education i.e. CBSE, the admit cards of the students who are appearing in the 10th and 12th examinations this year have been issued, students can download it from the official website of CBSE can do. Admit cards are available for download on CBSE’s official website and, students can download their admit card by opening the website and following the guidelines.

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Exam will start from 15 February

CBSE’s 10th and 12th exams are going to start from February 15, students are busy preparing for it. Presently the practical exams are going on which will end on 14th February. Before the main exam, CBSE has taken the pre board exam, has also issued an additional practice paper so that the concepts of the students remain clear.

Private students will have to download their own admit card

Admit cards of regular students ie regular students will be downloaded by their school and given to the students, while private students will have to download their admit cards themselves.

Check this important information in the admit card

After downloading the admit card, students must check some important information like name of the student, roll number of the student, date of birth, name of the exam, name of the mother of the student, name of the father/guardian, name of the exam center in the admit card. Name, Category, Admit Card ID, Center of Exam and Timing of Shift.

Download admit card like this

  • Visit or
  • Click on main website
  • Open Admit Card Download Link
  • Answer the details asked
  • Submit information
  • Take print out
  • Save it for the future
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