CBSE Board Exam 2024: CBSE extended the last date for taking practicals of 10th, 12th, know details

CBSE Board Exam 2024: CBSE extended the last date for taking practicals of 10th, 12th, know details
CBSE Board Exam 2024: CBSE extended the last date for taking practicals of 10th, 12th, know details

CBSE Board Exam 2024: CBSE extended the last date for taking practicals of 10th, 12th, know details

CBSE Board Exam 2024: Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has extended the last date for taking practical exams of class 10 and 12. Besides, the board has also extended the last date for uploading marks of practical, project works and internal on the portal to 31st March. According to the information given by CBSE, the decision to extend the last date has been taken after repeated demands made by the schools.

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The board has said in its notification that it has been observed that even after repeated reminders, some schools have not completed the practical examinations / project works / internal assessment / internal grades within the stipulated time limit. Now they are asking for time from the school board for this.

Each subject is of 100 marks

CBSE has also released a list of subjects along with marks distribution to conduct class 10 and 12 practical examinations smoothly this year. CBSE had also announced that the maximum marks allotted to a subject will be 100. Which will include marks of theory, practical, project and internal assessment.

CBSE will not give division

CBSE has conducted the class 10 and 12 board examinations this year from February 15. Board exams are still going on. CBSE had earlier decided not to give any overall division, distinction or aggregate to the students appearing in high school and intermediate examinations. The board will neither calculate nor announce the percentage of marks.

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