CBSE Board Exam 2024 Dates 10th and 12th board examinations will be conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education from 15 February 2024. Also, while Class 12 exams will end earlier, Class 10 board exams will continue till April 2024. Check previous year pattern CBSE datesheet for the year 2022 examinations was released on 29 December.
CBSE Board Exam 2024: Update for CBSE Board 10th and 12th students. The board examinations for secondary and senior secondary classes of the year 2023-24 will be conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education from 15 February 2024. These examinations will continue till April 10. CBSE Board has appealed through a circular issued to various schools to make plans for conducting their various internal exams and assessments keeping these dates in mind.
Let us tell you that even before this, during the announcement of Secondary and Senior Secondary Board results for the year 2022-23, CBSE Board had officially shared the information that the board examinations of 10th and 12th for the next session i.e. 2023-24 will be conducted on 15 February 2024. Will be done from. Also, while Class 12 exams will end earlier, Class 10 board exams will continue till April 2024.
CBSE Board Exam 2024 Dates: CBSE Board Datesheet Till date
Even though the information about the start and end dates of CBSE Board’s 10th and 12th board exams has been shared, the exam dates and shifts of conduct (morning or afternoon) fixed for various subjects and their papers of both the classes have not been shared. ) information has not been shared yet.
Let us tell you that CBSE Board will release the datesheet for these details, the date for which has not been formally announced. However, to look at the previous year pattern, the CBSE datesheet for the year 2022 examinations was released on 29 December. In such a situation, it is believed that this time also CBSE Board will release the datesheet 2024 in December only.
On the other hand, students and parents should note that CBSE Board has announced the dates for conducting practical exams, according to which the practical exams will be conducted from January 1, 2024.
Delhi School Closed: Schools can call 10th, 12th students, online classes will continue for others