CBSE Board Result 2023 Date and Time: 10th and 12th students of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) are eagerly waiting for the result. CBSE conducted the board exams in February. Now the students are eagerly waiting for the release of their results. It is being claimed in the media reports that the result will be released soon.
UP board result has been released
It is being told that in May, CBSE will release the results of 10th and 12th students. However, no official announcement has been made in this regard yet. Earlier, the UP board has released the result of the exam. The result of 10th and 12th examination was released simultaneously by the UP Board. Students are hopeful that soon CBSE will also release the result.
Where to see CBSE Result
Students can check CBSE results by visiting results.cbse.nic.in, www.cbse.gov.in and www.digilocker.gov.in.
Check CBSE Result like this
- First of all go to the official website of CBSE cbseresults.nic.in.
- After this, click on CBSE Board 10th Result 2023 (CBSE Board Class 10th Result 2023) for 10th result on the homepage. At the same time, click on CBSE Board 12th Result 2023 (CBSE Board Class 12th Result 2023) for 12th result.
- After this enter the students roll number. After entering the roll number, click on the submit button.
- Now CBSE 10th and 12th result will appear on the screen. You can also download it.
More than 38 lakh students gave the exam
Let us inform that last year CBSE had released the result of 10th and 12th without any prior notice. This year CBSE 10th exam was held from 15th February to 21st March and 12th exam was held from 15th February to 5th April. This year 38.83 lakh students appeared for the exam.