CBSE Result 2023: Important updates for 10th-12th students, exam results can be released on this day, know updates, big information on sample paper-marking scheme of 2024 exam

CBSE Results 2024: Know when CBSE 10th-12th results will be released? How to check, read this news
CBSE Results 2024: Know when CBSE 10th-12th results will be released? How to check, read this news

Important information for CBSE 10th 12th students. The exam results for compartment exams may be announced soon. It is believed that the result can be announced in the first week of August. As of now there is no official confirmation of any kind.

CBSE Result 2023, CBSE Compartment Result 2023 : Important information for CBSE students. It is expected that the result of compartment examination of class 10th and class 12th will be declared soon. Results can be released by the first week of August. After the result is released, students can check it on the official website of CBSE.

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10th and 12th compartment exam results will be announced soon

The results of the 10th and 12th compartment examination will be announced by the Central Board of Secondary Education. It is expected that the results for this can be declared in the first week of August. Students of 10th and 12th will be able to check it by visiting Along with this, students can also visit to see updates related to compartment exams.

Exam was held in July

The Class 10 compartment exam was conducted by CBSE from July 17 to 22 while the Class 12 compartment exam was conducted on July 17. The practical exam was conducted from July 6 to July 20 for the students in the compartment exam. After the declaration of 12th result, the results of class 10th can be declared.

Earlier the exam results for CBSE 12th and 10th board exams were released on May 12. The CBSE Class 10 exam was conducted from February 15 to March 21, while the Class 12 exam was conducted from February 15 to April 5. The compartment exam was conducted in the month of July. In this also the board examination will be conducted from February. Preparations have started for this. The sample papers along with the marking scheme have been made available on the website.

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