Central employees will get gift, DA arrears will get benefit in 3 installments! Big update will come

Big news for employees, big update! DA will increase this much, AICPI data released, up to 48000 rupees will come in the account
Big news for employees, big update! DA will increase this much, AICPI data released, up to 48000 rupees will come in the account

After the increase in the dearness allowance of the employees, now they can be given the benefit of double happiness. On the one hand, where the possibility of paying their 18 months’ DA dues in three installments is getting faster. On the other hand the fitment factor can also be considered.

Employees 18 Months DA Arrears: Central employees are going to get double happiness soon. In fact, on the one hand, there seems to be a possibility of payment of their DA dues. On the other hand, the demand for increase in fitment factor can also be met. In the last one and a half years, three times increase in dearness allowance has been seen. However, till now the arrears of frozen DA during the Corona period have not been paid.

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Demand for increase in fitment factor
Central employees have been demanding 18 months arrears of DA and increase in fitment factor for a long time. The employees have been demanding the payment of dearness allowance and pensioner’s dearness relief for a long time withheld during the Corona period for 18 months. Apart from this, an increase in the fitment factor is also being demanded by the employees. In view of the demand of the employees, several rounds of talks have been held by the government and the concerned departments. In such a situation, it is being speculated that soon a big announcement can be seen on this.

However, if the government takes a decision on both these demands, there will be a huge increase in the salaries of the employees. As of now, no official comment or statement has been issued by the government in this regard while the employees are hopeful that the finance ministry will not wait for next year and a decision on arrears can be taken by the end of December.

Payment can be made in three installments
In fact, there seems to be a possibility of giving the frozen dearness allowance of 18 months in three installments. The DIA was frozen from January 2020 to June 2021. Although the ban on this was lifted after the corona was over, but the employees were not paid the arrears of DA. After the demand was raised by the employees, the government flatly refused to give it. However, once again after the meeting of the representative of the employees and pensioners with the cabinet secretary, the possibility of payment is increasing.

DA can be frozen but cannot be stopped
If the government agrees to pay the DA arrears, it can be paid in three instalments. Earlier it was said by the Finance Ministry that the Dearness Allowance was frozen. That’s why money will not be given for this period. However, the government was asked by the Supreme Court to reconsider it. The Supreme Court said that DA is the right of the employees, it can be frozen but it cannot be stopped.

Will get this much salary
Shiv Gopal Mishra of National Council of JCM says that the DA arrears for a level 3 employee can range from Rs 11880 to 37554 while for level 13 the basic pay scale can range from 123100 to 215900. If the arrears are paid to the employees in three installments according to the pay matrix, then for 11880 the amount will be paid in three installments.

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