Confirm Train Ticket: You will get confirmed train ticket in seconds, try this option

Confirm Train Ticket: You will get confirmed train ticket in seconds, try this option
Confirm Train Ticket: You will get confirmed train ticket in seconds, try this option

Confirm Train Ticket: Train tickets are not easily available in last minute travel plans. But, today we will tell you some ways by which it will become very easy to get a confirmed ticket.

Confirm Train Ticket: Often people’s travel plans are made at the last minute. Be it office trips or any problem. Circumstances become such that you have to leave within a day. But, train tickets are not so easily available and we get stuck. One has to travel without reservation by force. But, today we will tell you some ways by which getting a confirmed ticket will become very easy and your journey will be completed in a convenient manner.

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Railway confirmed ticket app 

In view of the problems being faced in getting tickets, IRCTC had launched Confirmtkt App. Passengers can also book confirmed tickets from its website. Confirmtkt App can be used in Android phones. It is available in many languages ​​including English and Hindi.

Here you do not have to check individual seats in every train. Once searched, you get details of available vacant seats in all the trains running on that route. If there is no ticket, there is also an option to book the ticket by paying some extra money. However, to book tickets, IRCTC login ID will be required.

There is also option for Tatkal and Premium Tatkal booking. 

Tatkal ticket booking starts at 10 am for AC and at 11 am for sleeper. It can be booked only a day before the train departs. Apart from this, there is also an option of premium Tatkal ticket booking for emergency. However, you may have to pay more fare for this. As the seats in the train get filled, the premium prices increase immediately. This is exactly like the ticket booking system of airlines.

Make My Trip Guarantee Program 

Make My Trip also launched Trip Guarantee Program for confirmed ticket booking. If the train is running full then passengers can also book from railway stations falling within a radius of 60 kilometers. You can also get down at a station near the destination station. The company is also giving full refund if the ticket is canceled before the chart is prepared. If the train ticket is not confirmed, the option of flight is also given.

Apart from this, cab and bus options are also included in this guarantee program. The company also provides travel vouchers to the passenger, using which he can avoid additional expenses on his journey. Also, they can get up to three times the refund.

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