Corona virus can spread through AC, one such case came in China

A new study has come out of around 185 countries of the world among the coronavirus being badly infected, according to which AC (air conditioner) also increases the risk of corona.

With the increase in summer, AC (air conditioner) has started or is going to happen in many hot parts of the world including India. But scientists believe that due to this corona infection can spread more rapidly (increases risk of coronavirus). An example of this has also emerged in China. Know how the risk of infection can increase with AC.

Restaurant infection started with
ACThe case was seen in Guangzhou city of China. In fact, on 23 January, a man returned from Wuhan arrived in a restaurant here along with his family. During their lunch, the other 2 families were also sitting at the nearby tables. On the same night, the person who came from Wuhan started showing other symptoms of corona with fever. A few days later, on February 5, a total of 9 people sitting at other tables, including the man’s family, were also found to be Corona positive. The sources of the corona infection and other families were tracked through CCTV footage. In the later study, it was seen that the restaurant on the fifth floor has central AC and all the windows are closed. There was a distance of about 1 meter between each table. All three families spent about 1 hour in the restaurant.

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What scientists saw: The
results of the study were published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention America. It is believed that the corona infection may have been caused by AC, in which the infected person’s cough or sneeze virus could spread quickly due to the rapid airflow of AC. Generally, these viruses float in the air with water droplets released from the cough, spongy or sneeze of the infected and sit on a surface because they are able to remain on the solid surface for a long time. After this result, it is believed that if the distance between the tables was more or the windows were open so that air could come out, then the infection could have been avoided.

Same case was found on cruise
The infection spread on the Diamond Princess cruise also indicates the danger of AC. In a study conducted by scientists at Purdue University, it was found that 46.5% of the cruise’s 3,700 passengers were found positive in the investigation. During the evacuation of the cabin, it was found that there were samples of SARS-CoV-2 virus in the ship. In such a situation, scientists have believed that due to the occupation of the Patient Zero AC, the infection spread to other passengers.

What is the problem with AC
According to researcher Qingyan Chen, ACs are not designed in such a way that they corrode the corona virus, but in its strong air, the viruses constantly circulate in one place and increase the risk of infection manifold. Humid locations also provide a suitable environment for the corona to spread. For example, COVID-19 virus can spend about 15 hours on plastics or metals lying in 40 percent humidity areas.

In this way, infection
scientists can avoid that corona infection can be avoided by keeping the windows open. Scientists from the University of Oregon and University of California jointly concluded these results. During this time SARS-CoV-2 as well as SARS and Mars diseases were also seen. The results were published in the scientific journal mSystems. Earlier research also found that bacteria continue to thrive in homes and offices where AC usually runs or ventilation is not as good.

Even in the light of day, the growth of bacteria or any kind of virus decreases. It is believed that UV daylight is not a favorable environment for the spread of pathogen. In this light, the survival rate of the virus is reduced to almost half. According to scientists, not only the outside air, but also for the light, people should keep the curtains and windows of the houses open. Due to this, viruses are not able to stay alive for much longer.

useful are air purifiers Nowadays air purifiers are being installed in homes and offices to purify the air, but according to experts they are also of no use in the case of Corona. In fact, the viruses of SARS-CoV-2 are so small that any filter system for them is currently insufficient. Since air flows continuously in the same room, the risk of the virus spreading due to the purifiers increases.

There is another aspect of the study
Since the subject of the study was an infection spread in restaurants, it is being speculated that in homes where there is no outside person, there is no harm in turning on the AC for a while by closing the windows but turning off the AC. After that, take care that there is no moisture in the room. It is necessary to do full ventilation by opening windows and curtains or else there is no corona, moisture can be favorable to spread any kind of virus and bacteria.

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