Cowin app will be required for Covid-19 vaccine, know the complete process from download to registration


The Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) on Sunday approved the use of two vaccines to treat Kovid-19. This vaccine is Kovishield and Kovaxine. It will be mandatory to register on the Cowin app for both these vaccines. The Cowin app will be launched by the central government. This app will be available for free on Google Play Store. All citizens on this app will have to self-register for the Kovid-19 vaccine.

What is CoWIN App

The full name of Co-WIN is Covid-19 Vaccine Intelligence Network. It is an upgraded version of eVIN (Electronics Vaccine Intelligence Network). It can be installed from Google Play. The CoWin app is divided into 5 parts for tracking and registration of the Kovid-19 vaccine, which are Administrator, Registration, Vaccination, Beneficiary, Acclamation and Report. After the user registration data is available on the app, users will be informed that in which local authority they can get the Kovid-19 vaccine. For the vaccine, the user must first register on the app. After this, verification and acceptance will be sent for e-certification. Kovid-19 vaccination will take place in three stages. The first will be the vaccination of the frontline worker. This will include people associated with health care. In the second phase, the emergency worker will be vaccinated. In the third phase, those people will have vaccination, Those who are already suffering from some disease. A person’s vaccination will take about 30 minutes. There will be vaccination of 100 people in every batch.

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How to register

  • The user must first download the CoWIN app from Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
  • After this, the user has to register for the vaccine on the CoWIN app.
  • It will be necessary to have one of the 12 photo ID cards for registration. This includes voter ID card, driving license, passport and pension document.
  • Center and state guidelines will be entered on the CoWIN app.
  • After online registration is complete, the user will get a message on the registered mobile number. There will be due date, place and verification time.
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