Credit Card Charge Hike : Big change in HDFC Bank credit card from today, now you will have to pay more charge

Credit Card Hidden Charges: Check these 10 things to detect hidden charges in credit card statement
Credit Card Hidden Charges: Check these 10 things to detect hidden charges in credit card statement

If you also have a HDFC Bank credit card, there is a change in the rules related to it from this month (Rule Change From August), which may affect your monthly expenses.

The month of August has started and from today many big rules have changed. There has been a change in everything from credit card to LPG prices. This change will affect your pocket. If you also have an HDFC Bank credit card, then from this month the rules related to it are changing (Rule Change From August), which may affect your monthly expenses. Also, you may have to pay more charges.

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 1 percent extra charge on rent payment 

If you use HDFC Bank credit card for rent payment through third party apps like CRED, PayTM, Cheq, MobiKwik and Freecharge, then you will have to pay an extra fee of 1 percent. For this, the maximum limit has been set by the bank at Rs 3,000 per transaction.

According to the India Today report, extra charges are being levied on utility transactions 

as well. However, no extra charges will be levied on transactions of less than Rs 50,000, but if the value of such payment is more than Rs 50,000, a charge of 1% will be levied, here also the limit per transaction has been fixed at Rs 3,000.

Charges on Petrol and Diesel 

If you make fuel payment through HDFC Bank credit card, then now you will have to pay an extra charge. If the card holder makes an oil payment of less than Rs 15,000, then there will be no charge, but for transactions above this amount, a charge of 1% will have to be paid. Talking about payment of insurance premium, no extra charge will have to be paid on insurance payments.

This new rule in educational payments:

If any kind of educational payments are made through third party apps, a fee of 1% will be levied here too, however, no such charge will be levied on direct payments made through the official website of educational institutes or POS machines. Apart from this, international educational payments have also been exempted from this fee.

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