CUP Recruitment 2023: Vacancy for many posts including Lower Division Clerk, apply this way

CUP Recruitment 2023: Vacancy for many posts including Lower Division Clerk, apply this way
CUP Recruitment 2023: Vacancy for many posts including Lower Division Clerk, apply this way

CUP Vacancy 2023: Recruitment has been done for many non-teaching posts in Punjab Central University. For which candidates can apply through the steps given below.

CUP Recruitment 2023: A recruitment notification has been issued by Punjab Central University. According to which recruitment will be done on many posts in the institute. The application process for this campaign is going on.

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Which will end soon. The last date to apply for this recruitment is 16 November 2023. Candidates will not get the chance to apply for recruitment after the last date passes. To apply, candidates can visit the official site Those candidates who have not yet applied for recruitment, should apply immediately.

Through this recruitment drive in Punjab Central University, other posts including Deputy Registrar, Upper Division Clerk, Lower Division Clerk will be filled. Candidates applying for this recruitment should have the qualification as per the post. Which candidates can see by visiting the official site.

CUP Recruitment 2023: This much application fee will have to be paid

Candidates applying for this recruitment will have to pay the application fee. The application fee for recruitment has been kept at Rs 600. Whereas SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates are exempted from paying the application fee. Candidates can pay the fee only in online mode. For more information candidates can take help of the official site.

CUP Recruitment 2023: How to apply  

Step 1: To apply, candidates first visit the official website

Step 2: After this, click on the CUP Recruitment 2023 link on the candidate homepage.

Step 3: Then the candidate has to enter the required details.

Step 4: After this the candidates upload the necessary documents.

Step 5: Then candidates pay the application fee.

Step 6: Now the candidates should check the application form once.

Step 7: After this the candidate should submit the form.

Step 8: Then candidates download the application form.

Step 9: Finally, candidates should take a print out of the application form.

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