DA Hike : Dearness allowance of employees increased once again, orders issued for huge increase in DA, payment of arrears, salary will increase from next month.

7th Pay Commission : Good news! It is clear how much DA will increase for central employees in July
7th Pay Commission : Good news! It is clear how much DA will increase for central employees in July

Once again a big gift has been given to the central employees. Their dearness allowance has been increased by 4 percent.

Employees, DA Hike, Arrears: Dearness allowance of lakhs of employees has been increased once again. They will be given the benefit of increased dearness allowance from July 1, 2023. The existing rate has been increased from 42% to 46%. Orders have been issued for this.

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Under the order issued by the Finance Ministry, dearness allowance of employees following the scale on CDA pattern of CPSEs has been increased by four features. They will also be paid 3 months arrears amount.

Increase in DA of personnel of CDA pattern pay scale 

In such a situation, an increase of up to Rs 27000 in the salary of the employees following the CDA pattern pay scale is considered certain. An annual increase of Rs 27,000 will be seen in his salary. Their salary may increase up to Rs 50,000. The order clarified that the payment of dearness allowance in fractions of 50 paise or more can be rounded off to the next higher rupee.

The 50 paise portion of the work can be ignored. This rate is applicable in case of CPSEs CDA employees whose pay was revised as per DPE OM dated 17 August 2017 and was made effective from 1 January 2016.

It has been instructed in the order letter that all the administrative ministry departments are requested to pay the increased dearness allowance and arrear amount to the employees working in the Central Public Sector Industries under administrative control.

4% increase in dearness allowance of employees 

Earlier, the dearness allowance of central employees receiving the seventh pay scale was increased by 4%. Its orders were issued by the Finance Ministry, while Railways has also issued orders to increase the dearness allowance of its employees by four percent. Lakhs of pensioners including employees will benefit from this. The Defense Ministry has also taken important decisions in the interest of employees and pensioners and has issued orders for increase in dearness allowance.

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