Dearness Allowance Hike: Railway Board has announced to increase the dearness allowance of the employees by 14 percent.
This increase in DA has been made from 1 July 2021 to 7 percent and from 1 January 2022 to 7 percent. The employees will also be given a lump sum arrears of 10 months by the Railways.
Dearness Allowance Hike: Railway employees who are constantly facing inflation, have been given a big relief by the government. Railway Board has increased the Dearness Allowance of the employees by 14 percent in one go. This increase in Dearness Allowance (Dearness Allowance Hike) has been done on the basis of two times.
10 months arrear will also be available
Along with this, the other good news for the employees on whom this DA Hike will be applicable is that they have also been told to give 10 months of DA Hike Arrear. It was told by the Railway Board that this DA hike in two parts of 7-7 percent will be applicable for those employees who are working under the 6th Pay Commission (6th Pay Commission).
DA increased by 203 percent
Dearness Allowance has been increased by 7 percent with effect from July 1, 2021 and by 7 percent from January 1, 2022. At present, the employees getting salary under the Sixth Pay Commission are getting 189 percent DA.
The DA of these employees will increase to 196 percent with effect from July 1, 2021, by 7 percent. Similarly, on increasing 7 percent from January 1, 2022, it will increase to 203 percent, which employees will get in May salary with 10 months arrears.
double benefit to railway employees
This decision of Railway Board will give double benefit to the employees. The Railway Board has implemented the decision after approval from the Finance Directorate and the Ministry of Railways. Earlier, the dearness allowance of central employees was increased by 3 percent in March. Lakhs of employees who got salary under 7th Pay Commission had benefited from this.
34% DA in 7th Pay Commission
After the three per cent hike, the dearness allowance for central employees was increased from 31 per cent to 34 per cent. The minimum basic salary of these employees is 18 thousand rupees. Implementing the recommendation of the 7th Pay Commission on behalf of the government, the basic minimum salary was increased from 7000 to 18000 rupees.