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Home Government Scheme DDA Housing Scheme 2017: Draw For 12,000 Flats

DDA Housing Scheme 2017: Draw For 12,000 Flats


DDA (The Delhi Development Authority) is offering 12,000 flats across four categories of income in Dwarka, Rohini, Vasant Kunj, Narela, Jasola, Paschim Vihar, Sirsapur and Pitampura. The draw is going to be held this month. 46,000 applications have been received.

A senior official mentioned that the draw for DDA’s new housing schemewould be held shortly, for which over 46,000 applicationshave been received by the urban body.Across four categories of income,DDA is offering 12,000 flats in the areas of Dwarka, Jasola, Paschim Vihar, Sirsapur,Rohini, Vasant Kunj, Narelaand Pitampura. Out of the total flats, around 10,000 are the unoccupied ones from 2014 housing scheme, and 2,000 are lying vacant.

An official of DDA told the news agency PTI that, “The date for draw has been almost finalized. It will be held shortly”. The 2017 housing scheme was launched on June 30, which is offering 12,000 flats, that ranges from close to Rs. 7 lakh to over Rs. 1.26 crore.About 90,000 forms were sold after the closure of the extended deadline for submission.”September 11 was the deadline and over 46,000 applications were received. It is likely that the draw of the lots will be streamed online. DDA’s Principal Commissioner mentioned that DDA wants only genuine people to apply for the flat and drive off market speculation.

Following are the four categories of houses:

  • (high-income group) HIG- 87 flats that ranges from Rs. 53.52 lakh to Rs. 126.81 lakh
  • (middle-income group) MIG- 404 flats that ranges from Rs. 31.32 lakh to Rs. 93.95 lakh
  • one-bedroom (LIG) flats – 11,197 that ranges from Rs. 14.50 lakh to Rs. 30.30 lakh
  • Janta flats – 384 that ranges from Rs. 7.07 lakh to Rs. 12.76 lakh

The registration fee of Rs. 1 lakh will be charges for the LIG category, while it is Rs. 2 lakh for MIG and HIG flats.

All possible efforts have been made by DDA to address all associated issues, including transportation and water supply.According to J P Agarwal (DDA’s Principal Commissioner),Delhi Jal Board had committed to ensure water supply in those areas where it is not present.In addition, letters have been written to the DTC and Delhi Metro authorities asking for transport infrastructure in these areas.25,040 flats were offered in the 2014 scheme across categories, with prices that ranged between Rs. 7 lakh and Rs. 1.2 crore. The response of the online draw was so immense that the official website of DDA stoppedworking just after the launch. The LIG flats were offered in Rohini, Dwarka, Sirsapur and Narela areas.

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