Digital Life Certificate: Pensioners alert! Want to generate Jeevan Pramaan? Here is what you need to do


You can also obtain a DLC from various Citizen Service Centre (CSC) located across India or from the office of Pension Disbursing Agencies (PDA) such as Post Office, Banks, Treasury. You can search nearest CSC by clicking on ‘Locate a Centre’ on portal or alternately you can send SMS to 7738299899. You can SMS “JPL” followed by a space and your pin-code

If you are a pensioner then this information will be of interest to you. In case you want to generate a ‘Jeevan Pramaan’ or Digital Life Certificate (DLC) on your personal computer, laptop or mobile phone, here is what you need to do. Jeevan Pramaan is a biometric enabled Aadhaar-based DLC for pensioners of central government, state government or any government organisation. DLC is generated for individual pensioner using his/her Aadhaar number and biometrics.

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Here is what you need to generate your Jeevan Pramaan:
-A Standardisation Testing and Quality Certification STQC certified Biometric Device is required.

RD Service’ of the Biometric Device being used should be installed on the PC/Laptop/mobile.


-The ‘JeevanPramaan Application’ has to be installed on your PC/mobile. It can be downloaded from the ‘Download’ tab from portal. It can also be generated from home or any other location on a Windows PC, laptop or Android Mobile (KitKat and above).

An Internet Connection is required.

-You can also obtain a DLC from various Citizen Service Centre (CSC) located across India or from the office of Pension Disbursing Agencies (PDA) such as Post Office, Banks, Treasury. You can search nearest CSC by clicking on ‘Locate a Centre’ on portal or alternately you can send SMS to 7738299899. You can SMS “JPL” followed by a space and your pin-code.

Once your pramaan-id is generated, you can download the Digital Life Certificate by following the link



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