Electricity Bill Saving Tips : You will get the benefit of 80% discount and subsidy on Electricity Bill! Know how?

Electricity Bill Saving Tips : You will get the benefit of 80% discount and subsidy on Electricity Bill! Know how?
Electricity Bill Saving Tips : You will get the benefit of 80% discount and subsidy on Electricity Bill! Know how?

Electricity Bill Saving Tips: Are you also worried about high electricity bills? So to reduce this you can take advantage of the government scheme.

Electricity Bill Saving Tips: In today’s time, it has become necessary for all of us to use electricity. Electricity is required to use all gadgets and products. In summer, electricity consumption increases due to excessive running of AC, while in winter, the use of geysers and heaters also increases due to which the electricity bill also starts getting higher.

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If you are also troubled by the high electricity bill coming every month? Or despite best efforts, electricity savings are not being achieved? So in such a situation, you can get the benefit of subsidy with up to 80% discount on your bill. Just for this you will have to adopt a government scheme.

Reduced by 80 percent

You can take advantage of the government scheme to reduce electricity bills up to 80% and subsidy up to 40 percent. For this you will have to install solar panels in your house. Under a government scheme, rooftop solar panels are being installed for free. For this you will have to apply by going to the government national portal.

How to apply for rooftop solar panel installation?

  • Register by visiting the Rooftop Solar National Portal.
  • After this you will have to fill the asked information.
  • Write the name of the state and the name of the electricity department in it.
  • After this also enter the consumer account number of the electricity bill.
  • After this enter your phone number and email address.
  • OTP will come on the entered number, enter it under the verification process.
  • Solar panels will be installed on the rooftop of your house by the government.

Can everyone take advantage of this scheme?

While applying for this, you will also have to tell the area of ​​your roof. After this your application will be sent to the Discom and then the application process will be scrutinized by the government. As per the rules, if you are eligible then your application will be sent for further processing.

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