Under the order issued by Additional Chief Secretary (ACS-Finance) Anurag Rastogi, the DA has been increased from the existing 38% to 42% of the basic pay with effect from January 1, 2023. The arrears of the increased DA will be paid from January 2023.
Haryana Employees DA Hike: There is good news for the government employees of Haryana. The Manohar Lal Khattar government of the state has given a big gift to the government employees before Akshaya Tritiya. The state government has once again increased the dearness allowance of the employees by 4 per cent. The dearness relief has also been increased by 4 per cent. Notification has also been issued for this.
At present the dearness allowance of state employees is 38 per cent and after 4 per cent increase it has increased to 42 per cent. The increase in DA will be applicable from January 1, 2023, in such a situation, the increased DA as per the order will be given along with the salary of April and the arrears from January to March 2023 will be given in May. Under the order issued by Additional Chief Secretary (ACS-Finance) Anurag Rastogi, the DA has been increased from the existing 38% to 42% of the basic pay with effect from January 1, 2023. The arrears of the increased DA will be paid from January 2023.
Increase in dearness relief, pension will increase
In another order, the Finance Department said that the state government has also increased the Dearness Relief (DR) by four percent, which is given to pensioners/family pensioners under the Seventh Pay Commission. It has been said in the order that DR has also been increased from 38 percent to 42 percent of the existing basic pension/family pension, this will also be applicable from January 1, 2023.
These employees will get benefits
There are a total of 4 lakh 45 thousand 346 sanctioned posts in the government departments of Haryana. Although only 2 lakh 62 thousand 849 posts are filled in these, while one lakh 82 thousand 497 posts are vacant. The employees posted on these posts will get the benefit of this new order of the government.